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Christ Renews His Parish - CRHP - Retreats have been updated with Welcome Renewal Weekends, beginning in Spring 2018.

I am a Catholic. I grew up in a Catholic orphanage, went to a Catholic high school. Married a Catholic girl in the Catholic Church. We raised our children to be Catholic. But it wasn't until I was invited and went to a weekend retreat called Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) that I felt the true meaning of being a Catholic. Through listening, sharing, and participating in the Sacraments with some of the most fantastic men I have ever met. We all went into the weekend blindly but came out with a new vision of being Catholic. We are not alone in our walk to heaven, we are now a community of Brothers in Christ. Give yourself the gift of renewing your faith, the road to heaven will be a little easier. People ask me why am I so happy and why am I a Catholic. The answer is easy, there is no distinction between the two.

John Maerz - Men's CRHP 20/21

CRHP was a truly amazing experience, and even at the time I attended the retreat I had no idea the impact it would have on my life. The experience brought me back to life by helping me connect with Him in a deeper way. I highly recommend it to anyone who is feeling lost, like you are missing something, or just needing a recharge of your spirit. It could change your life!

Jeannette Jones - Women's CRHP 21

I attended CRHP 19 last year after being away from the Catholic Church for over 20 years. My life has seen many blessing since my CRHP weekend. I strongly advise anyone who wants to become closer to Christ to attend. The CRHP experience has connected me to a group of men who have become like new brothers. The CRHP program has provided a wonderful outlet for me to make a difference at Emmaus.

Don Fry - Men's CRHP 19 & 20

I had heard about CRHP before and seen some wonderful relationships made, but I was always an outsider looking in. When I moved to Lakeway I thought it would be a wonderful way to meet people at my church. Not only did I meet some of my best friends, but I realized how God works in every part of my life and that when I "hear" what he has to say, I am abundantly blessed.

Becky Clark - Women's CRHP 19

I never thought I'd participate in a program such as CRHP. I totally took a "leap of faith" in attending CRHP 19. It was certainly one of the best things I could have done for my spiritual life as it truly brought me closer to Christ. I was able to shake off my pride and give thanks to the Lord and also ask Him to come into my life. The CRHP program also put me in touch with men who shared the same values and aspirations and who have inspired me to be a better man in both my secular and spiritual life. Many of these men have become friends whom I greatly admire and respect. CRHP has also improved the spiritual life of my marriage and my wife, Connie, is now strongly considering attending the next women's CRHP.

Richard Gambatese - Men's CRHP 19

CRHP has been a life changing event for me. I am a cradle Catholic who grew up in Catholic schools from 1st to 12th grade. I know the Holy Spirit sent to me to Emmaus CRHP. My continuing ministry has been one that is ongoing. I asked to be a messenger of God. Since that day, I have experienced many signs from God that I have shared with my friends and my students. Now when my students see a red cardinal ( which is one of my signs), they say a prayer for me and know it is the Holy Spirit bringing peace into our lives!

Lisa Oggero (was Lisa Schexnayder) - Women's CRHP 5

I’m a cradle Catholic and thought I knew my faith. I went to my first CRHP weekend and discovered how much I did not know. I was cruising along thinking that I was living my faith and my CRHP experience illuminated the areas of my life that really needed to change. The weekend has helped me to be a better husband, father, son and brother.  I have found the abundant life that Jesus has promised to us.

Joe Wagner - Men's CRHP 19 & 20

I attended the CRHP retreat in May 2004 and it changed my life. I have been a member of our church for over thirty years, but until then did not have the sense of community that I now have with our church members. In 2008, I worked with Father Samuel to start the retreats in Spanish and that has multiplied my friends. It was one of the best birthday gifts that I have ever given myself. I call it my spiritual birthday at 50.

Maria Kohler - Women's CRHP 8 & 11; Spanish CRSP 0, 4 & 5


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