Contact: Mary Murphy, (512) 826-6930
One of the most appreciated and rewarding ministries of the parish, the Bereavement Funeral Reception Committee prepares and serves a reception for the bereaved family members and friends following a funeral or memorial at the church. We invite all members of the parish to consider joining this committee to share their love and charity in this most meaningful and gratifying ministry.
Contact: Deacon Terry Guilbert:
Cancer Share is a spiritual support group for cancer patients and their caregivers. Participants will grow together through prayer, sharing and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them in their relationship with Jesus during their diagnosis, treatments and beyond. Meetings are held on the third Monday of every other month at 6:30 PM in the Disciple room of the Pastoral Center. The Group Spiritual Director is Deacon Terry Guilbert.
Contact: Parish Office (512) 261-8500
Childcare is available for the Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 12:15 PM Masses, and by reservation for other parish events if advertised. The nursery is staffed by trained adults who care for children ages 6 months to 5 years in a nurturing and safe environment. EIM certified adults and teens are welcome to volunteer. Time commitment is flexible.
Contact: Parish Office, (512) 261-8500
Coffee & Donuts happens the first Sunday of the month. The Pastoral Council coordinates this.
Contact: Stacy Barna , 512-619-9578 or
The round robin dinner groups offer an opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and have an inexpensive evening of fun. This ministry is centered on promoting community and getting to know one another. The Dinner Club is open to all adult parishioners whether single, married, divorced, or widowed. Participants get together in groups of eight and share dinner in one another's homes four times during the year. The year kicks off in August with a wine & cheese event to meet and assign new couples for the upcoming year. This is not a gourmet cooking club. It's just a great way to meet fellow parishioners!
Contact: Stacie Massey, (512) 261-8500 Ext. 204
Emmaus Moms is a ministry at Emmaus Catholic Parish that offers social, spiritual, and educational support to moms in the parish as they begin and continue the momentous journey of motherhood. Our group emphasizes welcoming, motherhood outreach, spiritual growth, and community involvement through playgroups, moms' nights out, spiritual gatherings, online communications, and other creative and fun events.
It has often been said that "it takes a village to raise a child," and nothing can be truer when it comes to forming young followers of Jesus in their Catholic faith. Whether you are a trained teacher, crafts person, love to play games, or have excellent administrative skills, the young people of our parish community will benefit from your contribution. Whether as a learner, a teacher, or a little of each, we have many opportunities to help with Faith Formation at Emmaus Catholic Parish. Visit the Faith Formation pages to learn more.
Contact: Parish Office, (614) 975-5424,
There are many ways to support Emmaus Catholic Parish. Financial support, through our stewardship program, is certainly critical to the long-term viability of our parish. A variety of special events, including our annual Gala, provide much-needed income to the parish while serving as community-building opportunities. It takes many volunteers working together to make these events a success for our parish. Visit the Parish Support pages and raise your hand as an event volunteer!
Contact: Joanne Daszko, (512) 264-9102
Sign up in the Queen of Angels kitchen area to help host Hospitality Time after a Sunday Mass. Take a turn to help us continue this fellowship.
Contact: Parish Office, (512) 261-8500
Parishioners visit the residents at assisted living facilities in the area to share joy, love, humor, music, and devotional readings with them. The residents look forward to our visits, and both ministers and residents are enriched by the time spent together.
The Men of Emmaus ministry was formed to emphasize our continued growth in Christian life through various Emmaus Faith Formation programs. We invite any man (19 or older) who seeks to gain a deeper sense of purposeful learning and fellowship within our parish men's community. Meetings are held every Friday at 6:00 AM in the Arch A/B room of the Pastoral Center.
Contact: Parish Office, (512) 261-8500
Parish Nursing is rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition that we care for self and others as an expression of God’s love. The members of this ministry act as educators, advocates and liaisons for the parish community. Parish nurses promote wellness and disease prevention for all age groups. Activities include: blood pressure screenings, CPR trainings, and dispensing health related information. Any parishioner wishing to join this ministry is welcome. Meetings are held monthly.
Contact: Parish Office, (512) 261-8500
The Emmaus Prayer Blanket Ministry involves intercessory prayer and sewing lap-size blankets to give to anyone needing the gift of love and prayer. Prayers are offered for recipients as the blankets are constructed and thereafter by both the ministry and other members of the parish community. In the beautiful acts of making, giving and receiving blankets, the threads of the fabric become interwoven with the blessings of faith, hope, and love. The prayer blanket is a tangible sign that each recipient is covered in prayer by our faith community. There are many tasks involved in making a blanket. No sewing equipment or experience is needed. Please contact the parish office to offer your time.
Contact: Linda Travers, (512) 680-0276 (Cell)
The Rosary Ministry supplies handmade rosaries to ministries all over the country and worldwide. We are very proud to serve Seton Hospital chapels and nurseries, our military at home and abroad, correctional institutions, the elderly and children, Prayer Blanket Ministry, and anyone else who will pray Our Lady’s Rosary and spread the word of Jesus. We also make special pink/blue rosaries for the newly baptized Emmaus babies. The group meets the third Saturday of each month at 9 AM to share and teach each other rosary making; the rosary making is done at home. All are welcome to come closer to Mary and Jesus by joining in this wonderful ministry and becoming rosary makers.
All Parish women are invited to join the Women of Emmaus on a journey of faith as we learn to apply God's word to our daily lives. Meetings are held on Fridays at 9:30 AM in the Disciple Room in the Pastoral Center.