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Baptism Guidelines 

In order to offer the best support for parents in preparing for a child’s baptism, our parish requires participation in a baptism preparation process. This process is designed to help parents and godparents understand the Sacrament of Baptism and to offer them support in helping their child/godchild to fully live the gifts received in Baptism.  It is highly encouraged for expectant parents to prepare for the baptism before the birth of their child.

Only parents of the child being Baptized can schedule the Baptism or make changes to an already scheduled Baptism.
Grandparents and Godparents are not authorized to do so.

Required paperwork

All of the following forms must be
submitted together in one mailing by the parents in order for your child's Baptism to be scheduled:

  • Copy of the Child’s Certified State Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Request Form
  • Completed Godparent Covenant form(s)
  • Proof of Baptismal Preparation Class Attendance for both Parents & Godparents Proof of Baptismal Class should be within 3 years of the requested baptismal date 
  • Non-parishioners – If you live outside Emmaus boundaries, you must submit a letter from your Pastor giving his permission for your child to be baptized at Emmaus. If not registered at any parish, letter of permission from the closest Catholic parish to your home is required.
  • Godparents who are non-parishioners - Letter of permission and in Good Standing from your registered parish.

All forms are available online at the Emmaus Catholic parish website under the heading: Grow Your Faith – Sacramental Preparation – Baptism. These documents may be submitted by mail, in person or emailed to the baptismal contact person listed on the parish website or at 

For children under the age of 7

Required Baptism Class 


Emmaus holds Baptismal Preparation classes once a month; the first Monday of the month in English and the first Tuesday of the month in Spanish.

Parents and Godparents may register for an in person class at or take an online course at

So that parents/godparents may fully participate in the class, it is recommended that other arrangements be made for childcare.

Parents & Godparents may attend Baptismal classes at any Catholic parish. Only when documented by a form, certificate or letter remitted to Emmaus stating who, when and where the class was attended. Parents are highly encouraged to attend the class prior to their child’s birth. 

Godparent requirements

Canon 872 and 874 of the code of Canon Law lists these requirements for valid and lawful sponsorship in Baptism. Canon 873 states one sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex.

  1. Godparents must be practicing Catholics who are at least 16 years of age and must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
  2. Godparents must be a registered member of a parish where he or she lives and is in good standing.
  3. If married, the Godparent must be married in the Catholic Church prior to the baptism.
  4. If single, may not be cohabiting with someone without the benefit of marriage.

Please note: Those Catholics who are invalidly married, do not qualify as a Godparent at baptism, even though they may fulfill other requirements listed above. Invalid marriages without proper dispensation include:

  • Married before a justice of the peace
  • A minister of a Protestant church
  • A rabbi
  • Or those Catholics who are divorced and invalidly remarried

Godparents may not be the father or the mother of the person to be baptized.

We hope that parents choose Godparents who will take an active role in the Catholic Faith Formation of their child.

Scheduling the Baptism

Once the required classes and paperwork are completed and received, your requested date and time will be submitted to Scheduling. You will be contacted by the office once the baptism is on the schedule. The baptism will also be posted to the website calendar.

If available, baptisms may be requested after the Sunday, Spanish mass.
No more than two baptisms will be scheduled at any one time slot. There are No private baptisms.   

Saturday baptisms are usually held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 11:00am.


After the mass, generally the priest celebrating the mass or the deacon assisting him will preside at the baptism. Unless unavailable, Deacons will preside at the monthly Saturday morning baptisms.

A guest priest or deacon is welcome to preside at a baptism. Those from outside the Austin diocese must submit a testimony of suitability and be delegated by the pastor of Emmaus Catholic Parish and those from within the Austin diocese need only a delegation by the Emmaus pastor. These letters must be received before scheduling the baptism.

All documents must be turned in no later than one month prior to the requested date.

Children 7 & Older

There is a special Baptism preparation process for children age 7 and older. At the age of 7 (age of reason) and above, the sacrament of Baptism is also accompanied by the sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. Please contact the Sacrament Coordinator at to begin the process.

RCIA Adapted Program is designed for students in 2nd grade and older who have NOT been baptized and need to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation. First Reconciliation would be some time later at the parents’ discretion. This program includes the grade level appropriate faith formation program, baptism preparation, at-home Curriculum, Confirmation preparation and parent meetings. *Please note, your child will be enrolled in two programs: grade level appropriate faith formation AND the RCIA-Adapted Program.

  1.  Children must be currently enrolled in and attending Faith Formation classes.
  2.  Parents and sponsors participate in the process by attending one special Baptismal class.
  3.  Parents must submit required paperwork:
  • Completed Sacramental Request Form
  • Copy of the birth certificate
  • Completed Godparent/sponsor Covenant form
  • Non-parishioners – If you are a parishioner at another parish, you must submit a letter from your pastor giving his permission for your child to be baptized at Emmaus.

Upon completion of the sacramental preparation requirements, Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation will occur at the Easter Vigil Mass.

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