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Deacon Mark Fair

Count on Me! Offertory Giving

Through our stewardship program, Count On Me!, we invite every parishioner to a life rooted in gratitude to God. As grateful stewards, we recognize that a loving God entrusts all creation and everything we possess to us. The parish programs and ministries described in this website offer multiple opportunities for us to use our God-given gifts - our time, our talents and abilities, and our material resources - to grow closer to God and to further the mission of His church.
Financial resources are critical to the long-term viability of any organization, and our parish is no exception. We ask each family to prayerfully consider their ability to share their financial resources with the church, and to tithe 5% of their annual income if possible. Parishioners may also contribute to any or all church collections - main offering, benevolence, diocesan, or Parish Life Center - through automatic bank drafts or credit cards. This option enhances convenience to contributors and provides the church a more reliable means of forecasting cash flow. 

You may choose to sign up and manage your account by using our 
eGiving secured website or completing an Electronic Authorization Form (EFT). Authorization forms are available in the narthex and in the parish office, or you may download a copy from the link on the right column. For assistance, contact Jane Heckler, (512) 261-8500 x 202. 

Read the most recent Stewardship Report by visiting the link on the right column.

Tax Savings News for Seniors who own a traditional IRA Account: 

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