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Music Ministries

The Emmaus Music Ministry has something for everyone and we invite you to share your talents.

From chant and hymns, to current praise and worship hits, we strive to add beautiful, meaningful music to the liturgy and grow in our faith together.

We are a diverse group of widely varied ages, talents, education, specialties and disciplines and we ALWAYS welcome new members, any time of the year.

Open auditions are held every first Tuesday of the month at 6 PM in Multi A.

The ability to sing and/or play in tune is expected. The ability to read music is not required, but nice!

All adult members of the music ministry MUST be EIM compliant.

Musician's Dress Code

Click here to read the dress code for all Emmaus musicians.

Emmaus Music Ministry Groups

Emmaus Sunday Ensembles
Mass: Sunday, 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Seasonal celebrations and Holy Days
Rehearsals: Wednesday, 6:15 PM
Members: Teen and Adult Vocalists and Instrumentalists

Queen of Angels Choir
Mass: Sundays 10 AM; Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM in the Chapel Gallery.

Emmaus Spanish Choir
Mass: Sundays 12:15 PM; Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:30 PM

Music Settings for Mass

The following are links to the various Mass settings used at Emmaus throughout the year.

Mass of Renewal - Feasts & Solemnities, Weddings & Funerals

Mass of St. Ann - For All Weekend Masses

Mass of Mercy - For all Masses beginning on Ash Wednesday until the end of Lent.

Missa Emmanuel for Advent

Heather Sheek 

Director of Liturgy and Music

512-261-8500 X 405

Ibrain Tapia

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