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Knights of Columbus

St. Joseph of Arimathea Council #14025

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal organization formed to render financial aid to those in need. Our Council supports Emmaus Catholic Parish and the greater diocesan community through its educational, charitable, religious, and other public service works, promoting social and intellectual fellowship among members and their families. Please check the parish calendar for Council socials and other events where interested men are invited to attend and learn more on how to join. 

Click HERE to visit our site

Click HERE for our Facebook page

Regular meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month in the Pastoral Center, beginning with a family rosary at 7 PM. Please check the Emmaus calendar for scheduled meetings.

The Knights have a dedicated Adoration hour, every Tuesday 6:00 - 7:00 PM. To be the designated adorer, please sign-up on this link:

The Knights invite all parishioners to come play Bingo! This happens four times a year on a Friday evening in the Great Hall of the Parish Life Center.
Click Here for more Bingo information.

During Lent, the Knights host Friday Night Fish Fry.
Click Here for more information.

Monies raised are donated to a different parish or community charity each month.

Scholarships for High School Seniors

The St. Joseph of Arimathea Council offers scholarships each year to high school seniors. Eligibility Requirements:

1. Graduating high school senior in 2025

2. Active and Registered member (or family) of Emmaus Catholic Parish

3. Received the Sacrament of Baptism.

4. Actively pursuing the continuation of education through an accredited college, university or trade/technical school

The Knights of Columbus Council will award multiple, individual scholarships; one scholarship to each of the top selected eligible students; however, there will only be one scholarship awarded per family.

Please fill out the application completely and to your best ability. The recipients will be chosen based on the entire presentation, but with emphasis given to essay content, parish involvement and service activities, followed by academic achievements, financial need, etc.

NOTE: Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted or considered.

Click here to download the application or pick-up an application at the Parish Office.

The completed application must be received at the Emmaus Catholic Parish office by April 7, 2025
Emmaus Catholic Parish Office
Attn: Knights of Columbus Council 14025 - Scholarship Award
1718 Lohman's Crossing Rd
Austin, TX 78734

1. Print or type the information in black ink.
2. Use additional paper if necessary. If so, be sure to reference application question.
3. Each applicant must submit a current, sealed high school transcript with the completed application.
4. Return completed application by April 7, 2025 to the Emmaus Catholic Parish office, Attn: Knights of Columbus.
5. Scholarship awardees will be selected by April 30, 2025. The Scholarship Awards will be presented to the winners at the Knights of Columbus Awards Banquet on June 1, 2025.

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